Monday, January 24, 2011

Buzziness #16 Academy Award Party

..or maybe I should just call it a get-together!  To add some festive fun and added interest when the Academy Awards are broadcast... I like to print out the nominees and have everyone pick the winners. The website below  has an official Oscar Ballot (upper right hand corner of site) that you can print out!  The 83rd ballot will be official tomorrow... as the nominations are announced.  

Other fun ideas:
* a mock red carpet as friends arrive (I used an old table runner)
* popcorn bags, like you are at the movies,  with Oscar on front (see below)
* write nominees names on slips of paper, guests draw a name... we then call that person    by their STAR name!
* Pier One has these great chalkboard glasses.. super cheap $3.00 per glass, we wrote our STAR name on our glasses versus name tags (which I despise, by the way).

Let the SHOW begin!!.....

Love these! Thanks "ya" Jeannine! They now come stemless too!  
(Oscar ballot)
Cut out and glue on lunch bag!

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