Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scarves... brrrrr!

Can you ever have too many scarves?  I think, no.  Kelsey asked the other day if I could make her a scarf.  I hadn't picked up the crochet hook in a while, but, once I did... couldn't put it down.  She now has a new scarf and so do I!  

I determined 9 chains as a width is perfect.  Start with the simple chain stitch to determine the width you want, then decide how lose or tight you would like your scarf.  I love using youtube as a teacher, although trust yourself.  A problem I have often had is a scarf that is not consistently the same width: thick to thin to thick??  Now I make my end stitch and add 2 extra chains on the end.. counting your width occasionally helps too.  Crochet your heart out... or until you run out of yarn.  This is a clear, easy video to help you get started.  Have fun.. and remember, you can always rip it out so experiment!

YouTube - How to Crochet a Scarf : How to Crochet a Scarf: Single ...

Jan 17, 2008 ... Learn how to crochet a single stitch for a scarf from this free crocheting video clip. Expert: Elissa Marie Rodgers Bio: Elissa has been ... - Cached - Similar - Block all results

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Buzziness #19 Chiliquilles!

I had never even heard of chiliquilles until I was an adult.  I was in Cabo with my family and needed to whip up a quick breakfast.  I saw tortilla chips, and some green salsa.  Breakfast has to have eggs... so my own version of chiliquilles erupted.  I mean it was a hit with some pretty picky eaters.  I have not changed the recipe much since Cabo, why change a good thing?


1 bag of any clean tortilla chips (meaning no cheese Doritos)
1 cup of water
green salsa (can or jar- not picky)
2 eggs
Shredded parmesan (optional)
Sour cream (optional)

Heat up a pan, preferably a frying pan.  Add one handful of chips at a time, depending on how hungry you are!  Add a few T water and watch it steam.  You want the chips soft, but not "mushy".  Next scramble the eggs in a small bowl and toss in.  Once cooked, add a smattering of green salsa and mix in.  Plate up your chiliquilles, sprinkle some parmesan on top, and maybe a dollop of sour cream!
No salt needed, it is most likely on your chips!  Ole!