Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Buzziness #6 How to Brine a turkey????

Here we sit trying to figure the exact amount to "brine" a turkey, in other words what stuff/crap do we put in ~ 2 cups of salt to 2 gallons of water!  Then, find a clean garbage bag and put turkey and brine (add in rosemary, thyme, whatever you want), put in large ice chest and cover with ice! Once it is in an ice chest, submerge in ice for 24 hours at the most... Let it sit--- pull it when ready to cook.  Then us, the juiciest and moistest turkey EVER.   We have used "The Big Easy" found at Lowes for $88.00.  It cuts cooking time waaaay down, without oil,... like over half the time. Totally the best ever!!  Just takes time to convince everyone that this is the best way! Enjoy.

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