Saturday, November 20, 2010

Buzziness #3 "Pumpkin" Patch Soup

Totally a rainy day... close to Thanksgiving... mmmm only "Pumpkin" Patch soup sounds good.
....but, secret is... there is NO pumpkin in the recipe, shhhh.  I tweaked a recipe I received from
our elementary school Halloween Carnival. So quick and simple to make.  Everyone loves it. Give it a taste.

"Pumpkin" Patch Soup  
3 Large yams, peeled and cut into large chunks or canned (easier!)
1 Onion toughly chopped
2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced
1 T curry powder
3 T butter or margarine
1 large can chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste               
1/2 to 1 cup heavy cream

Melt butter in large pan.  Saute onion and garlic until soft (about 5 minutes). 
Add curry powder ande stir.  Add yams and stir to coat with curry mixture.
 Add chicken broth.  Stir to assure all yams pieces are submerged (add
water if you need to).  Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium-low until
yams are soft (about 30 min.). Remove from heat.
Puree yams/soup mixture in a blender in small batches. Add salt and
pepper to taste.  You can store soup in fridge at this point if you want to.
 Before serving, reheat soup and add cream just before serving!   Yum-yum!
*Did you notice... no pumpkin was really used! HA!

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