Friday, September 30, 2011

Buzziness #22 Things I Love

I love my family, traveling, photos, art, movies, amazing friends, food, getting mail, books,creating a quick craft, the perfect jeans, bike riding, hanging with Kelsey, Sean, and Anthony- alone or all together,  big diverse cities, small adorable towns, breakfast, learning, teaching, wine, new recipes, and the beauty of a sunrise and a sunset.
I enjoy the small things in life like, the sound of rain, having eye contact when toasting, a good laugh, a nice hot cup of tea, delicious coffee with cream, floating down a river,  saying thank you, paying compliments to people, and watching others smile.  I believe honesty is the best policy, and I live by the golden rule.
Lastly, I think that life is entirely too short. You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough.

Buzziness #21 Best Bruschetta, Ever

Best bruschetta ever!! and I haven't even been on my big Italy trip!  Totally easy, and a crowd pleaser. The secret ingredient is the sun dried tomatoes.... shhhhh... and it helps to have fresh garden tomatoes & basil as well.  My daughter, Kelsey had so much she ate it for snacks and dinner until it was gone!
Here it is:
6 roma (plum) tomatoes, or any tomato variety
1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes packed in oil

3 cloves minced garlic, I just use it out of the jar

1/4 cup olive oil

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1/4 cup fresh basil, stems removed

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 French baguette
 or whatever yummy bread you have
sprinkling of shredded parmesan on top of each slice

Preheat the oven on broiler setting.

In a large bowl, combine the roma tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, basil, salt, and pepper. Allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes.
Cut the baguette into 3/4-inch slices. On a baking sheet, arrange the baguette slices in a single layer. Broil for 1 to 2 minutes, until slightly brown.
Divide the tomato mixture evenly over the baguette slices. Top the slices with parmesan cheese.
Broil for 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Scarves... brrrrr!

Can you ever have too many scarves?  I think, no.  Kelsey asked the other day if I could make her a scarf.  I hadn't picked up the crochet hook in a while, but, once I did... couldn't put it down.  She now has a new scarf and so do I!  

I determined 9 chains as a width is perfect.  Start with the simple chain stitch to determine the width you want, then decide how lose or tight you would like your scarf.  I love using youtube as a teacher, although trust yourself.  A problem I have often had is a scarf that is not consistently the same width: thick to thin to thick??  Now I make my end stitch and add 2 extra chains on the end.. counting your width occasionally helps too.  Crochet your heart out... or until you run out of yarn.  This is a clear, easy video to help you get started.  Have fun.. and remember, you can always rip it out so experiment!

YouTube - How to Crochet a Scarf : How to Crochet a Scarf: Single ...

Jan 17, 2008 ... Learn how to crochet a single stitch for a scarf from this free crocheting video clip. Expert: Elissa Marie Rodgers Bio: Elissa has been ... - Cached - Similar - Block all results

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Buzziness #19 Chiliquilles!

I had never even heard of chiliquilles until I was an adult.  I was in Cabo with my family and needed to whip up a quick breakfast.  I saw tortilla chips, and some green salsa.  Breakfast has to have eggs... so my own version of chiliquilles erupted.  I mean it was a hit with some pretty picky eaters.  I have not changed the recipe much since Cabo, why change a good thing?


1 bag of any clean tortilla chips (meaning no cheese Doritos)
1 cup of water
green salsa (can or jar- not picky)
2 eggs
Shredded parmesan (optional)
Sour cream (optional)

Heat up a pan, preferably a frying pan.  Add one handful of chips at a time, depending on how hungry you are!  Add a few T water and watch it steam.  You want the chips soft, but not "mushy".  Next scramble the eggs in a small bowl and toss in.  Once cooked, add a smattering of green salsa and mix in.  Plate up your chiliquilles, sprinkle some parmesan on top, and maybe a dollop of sour cream!
No salt needed, it is most likely on your chips!  Ole!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Buzziness #18 Make a Quick Blanket

My kids always have like their own special comfy blanket.  To make a personal easy blanket, I went to JoAnne Fabrics.  I chose fabrics that depicted my kids.  A blue fleece fabric with sports balls for Sean, and a pink,white and green striped pattern for Kelsey.

I bought about 2 to 3 yards of fabric.  I then washed and dried the fabric, to prevent shrinkage later. Then, I chose two opposite side of the fabric that you want to "fringe".   Every 1/4" make a 3 to 4 inch cut into the fabric. When done, tie a knot at the base of each of the strips.  There you have an instant fringe blanket!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Buzziness #17 Cauliflower? hmmm

Okay... I never was a fan of the white broccoli, let alone broccoli until I was an adult and even then it had to be smothered in mayo, cheese or ranch dip!  Well, once I tried cauliflower prepared smooshed-up (okay not the best descriptor!), my taste buds fell in love.  When complete they look like mashed potatoes, and taste delicious.  I have prepared them two ways: the healthy and yummy or the not so healthy but really yummy.  You choose!

Healthy Cauliflower Recipe
1 head of cauliflower 
salt and pepper to taste

Cut the cauliflower into florets and steam.  I use my rice cooker.  Once thoroughly cooked put in a food processor and blend away.  Add salt and pepper as you go and taste.  That is it! Can it be any easier?

The "Really Yummy" Cauliflower Recipe
1 head of cauliflower
1 cup of grated cheese (I use sharp cheddar)
1 cup of sour cream
1/4 or more of a cream cheese brick
salt and pepper to taste

Steam the cauliflower and add to the food processor.  Add all the yummy ingredients and blend away.  A great side dish to any meal. 
Looks like mashed potatoes, but it's not!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Buzziness #16 Academy Award Party

..or maybe I should just call it a get-together!  To add some festive fun and added interest when the Academy Awards are broadcast... I like to print out the nominees and have everyone pick the winners. The website below  has an official Oscar Ballot (upper right hand corner of site) that you can print out!  The 83rd ballot will be official tomorrow... as the nominations are announced.  

Other fun ideas:
* a mock red carpet as friends arrive (I used an old table runner)
* popcorn bags, like you are at the movies,  with Oscar on front (see below)
* write nominees names on slips of paper, guests draw a name... we then call that person    by their STAR name!
* Pier One has these great chalkboard glasses.. super cheap $3.00 per glass, we wrote our STAR name on our glasses versus name tags (which I despise, by the way).

Let the SHOW begin!!.....

Love these! Thanks "ya" Jeannine! They now come stemless too!  
(Oscar ballot)
Cut out and glue on lunch bag!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Buzziness #15 Corn Casserole

I constantly get asked for this recipe, especially after  someone has had a taste!  It has been used as a side for potlucks or even at Thanksgiving! It tastes as good as all the fattening ingredients that it has in it... but totally worth it.  This recipe I share is from my dearest Carolyn A... the skinny bitch! ha.     

Corn Casserole

2 boxes Jiffy corn muffin mix (the blue box- cheap!)
2 bricks cream cheese
1 stick butter
2 cans corn (drained)
2 cans creamed corn

Mix altogether and bake at 350* for 1 hour!
So good and so easy!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Buzziness #14 Hawaiian Musubi

Never, ever thought I would say this but... I love SPAM, well at least in a common Hawaiian food called musubi!  Last summer I went to a luau and needed to bring an appetizer, coincidentally a friend of mine, Lisa, was visiting and lives in Hawaii!  She told me about musubi, and actually sent me a musubi press!  I now make musubi once a week for my family.  Both Kelsey and Sean love it.  It is quick, easy and filling.  Here is how I do it:

pot of sticky white rice
1 can SPAM  
dried seaweed (I found it at Vons and Cost Plus-cheaper here)
soy sauce
small bowl of water

Cook rice.  Slice the SPAM into 7 or 8 pieces and put in frying pan. No need to oil the pan.  As the pieces are cooking, sprinkle sugar onto each slice, followed by a douse of soy sauce.  Flip and do the same on the other side.  Cut a sheet of seaweed into 3 equal strips. Fill a small bowl with water.

Now you are ready to assemble.  If you do not have a musubi press you can create your own by using the empty SPAM container! Open both ends, and press down with your fingers or spoon.

1. Lay a strip of seaweed on the counter.
2. Place the press on top of the seaweed, centered
3. Put one slice of musubi in press
4. Add a scoop of rice 
5. Push down on the press "the squisher"
6. Pull press off and wrap the seaweed around...if the seaweed is too long, cut some off
7. Seal the seaweed with a dab of water.
Eat! You can also put in the frig for later.  To warm it up just wrap it in a damp paper towel and put in the microwave for 30 seconds.  Wrap one or two up for lunch!  I am telling you, they don't last long in my house!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Buzziness #13 Life and Travel Quotes

Quotes to live by.... and pass along...

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” - Mark Twain

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” - Henry Miller

“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” - Miriam Beard

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” - James Michener

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Buzziness#12 Crocheted Flowers

Just fiddling around with some leftover yarn and a crochet hook, you can make some fast cute flower embellishments.   Make a 5 loop chain, and make that a ring, continually go in a circle using chain 2...The best way I have found is to google, how to crochet a flower on YouTube , the little birdie secrets video.  Once complete with your size, simply (love that word) find a safety pin to attach.  I like to bunch two to three together! Embellish a hat, a coat, a headband, a scarf....